Kneehab® XP is a garment-based quadriceps NMES (Neuro Muscular Electrical Stimulation) therapy system. It is commonly prescribed to treat disuse atrophy following knee injury and/or surgery. Kneehab® XP strengthens the quad muscles which in turn promotes dynamic joint stability. Surgeons will tell you that the strength of the quad BEFORE surgery is one of the greatest indicators of a successful recovery FOLLOWING surgery. So whether you are waiting for surgery or had surgery in the past and are struggling to get your quad strength back, Kneehab® XP can help.
Why choose Kneehab® XP?
Kneehab® XP is backed by Level I clinical evidence: In a physician-blinded, randomized clinical trial, patients returned to baseline strength on average 10 weeks quicker than those treated with a standard of care rehabilitation protocol1.
The Kneehab® XP smart garment allows for easy placement of conductive GelPads to deliver stimulation consistently and effectively, without the help of medical staff or physical therapists
Kneehab® XP uses proprietary Multipath™ stimulation to reeducate and “wake up” atrophied muscles.